Un autographe svp.

Le grand Joe Malone avait un frère : Jeff. Le défenseur a joué six parties avec le grand club dont deux comme joueur substitut lors de la magnifique saison 1912-1913 (Indice: c’est le 5e à partir de la gauche sur la banderole du site). Moins talentueux, il a tout de même laissé sa marque sur… un bout de papier qu’un partisan de hockey lui a sans doute présenté le soir d’une rencontre.


On y retrouve ce qui semble être un « P » pour Patrick (Jeff Patrick Malone), sa signature et la saison en cours. Banal? Pas vraiment.

Il ajoute ceci de très important : « Quebec Bulls Dogs 1912-1913« . Il confirme ainsi que l’équipe est déjà reconnue sous ce surnom, même si les quotidiens s’entêtent à les appeler « Quebec Hockey Club ». Comme « Bulldogs » n’est jamais écrit dans les journaux à ce moment, il est fort à parier que l’ami Jeff ne l’avait jamais lu.

Par contre, au bas d’une photo d’équipe datant de 1913 vu récemment, on retrouve l’épellation « Bull Dogs ». Bull Dogs ou Bulldogs ? La question reste en suspend puisque de toute façon, l’équipe ne s’est jamais appelé comme ça.

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9 commentaires Ajouter un commentaire

  1. bill k dit :

    Another Malone, Sarsfield, also played briefly for Quebec Bulldogs. Sarsfield Malone was born in Trois Rivieres and also played briefly for Montreal Canadiens in the NHA. Was Sarsfield related to Joe and Jeff Malone? Do you know anything more about him?

  2. Hi Bill,

    I have asked Joe Malone jr. (son of Joe Malone) about him and he told me he was « possibly » a cousin. Nothing more precise for now.

  3. bill k dit :

    I found more on Sarsfield Malone. La Patrie refers to him as « Steve » Malone, a star forward with Trois Rivieres.

  4. Cool ! Do you know the date of the article ?

  5. bill k dit :

    La Patrie on Dec 19, 1916 mentions Steve Malone, « a star forward with Trois Rivieres » signing with Montreal Canadiens. I’m trying to track down a photo of the TR team.

    A brother of Joe and Jeff Malone, Cliff, played in the Quebec and Montreal city leagues. The father of the Cliff who later played briefly with Montreal Canadiens?

    1. Dairne Mayer dit :

      Sarsfield and his brother Foster were Joe Malone’s first cousins. Foster played for the Quebec Bulldogs 1914/15 and Sarsfield played for the Bulldogs and the Montreal Canadiens. (Foster was my Great Grandfather. When Foster passed away Sarsfield married my Great Grandmother Marie Poliquin so Sarsfield was my Great Grandfather by marriage. I have never heard that Sarsfield was called Steve. They called him Sars.)

  6. Dairne Mayer dit :

    Foster Malone was my Great Grandfather. His brother was Sarsfield. When Foster passed away Sarsfield married my Great Grandmother Marie Poliquin, so Sarsfield was my Great Grandfather by marriage. Sarsfield raised my Grandfather Desmond as his own son. Foster and Sarsfield were Joe Malone’s first cousins. Foster played for the Quebec Bulldogs in 1914/15. Sarsfield played for both the Quebec Bulldogs and the Montreal Canadiens. I have never heard that Sarsfield was called Steve, they called him « Sars. »

  7. Jeff Rochon dit :

    Jeff Malone was named Patrick Jeffrey Malone, born 17 March 1889,, not 1888. He was my grandfather. He had five children, three sons and two daughters. He passed away in 1980 in Montreal. Yes, he was the brother of Joe, and was one of five brothers, son of Maurice Malone. If you would like any more history please let me know.

    Jeff Rochon (and yes, I was named after him).

  8. Bonjour Jeff, le registre d’église de Sillery précise que Jeff est né en 1888. Il avait donc possiblement 92 ans à sa mort. Impressionnant les Malone, ils vivent jeune longtemps !

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